Writing as psychology kezdőlap

Have you ever had the experience of writing out your grief? And I'm not talking primarily about professional writers, who are fortunate enough to have found the process of writing instinctively, and many of whom describe writing as a creative process of self-therapy. I'm thinking of you! You, for whom writing is not a profession, but an opportunity to heal.
This issue has been studied by experts for over thirty years (including J.W. Pennebaker and John F. Evans) and there is now scientific evidence that emotional writing accelerates the process of psychological coping. Writing down your grief, trauma, painful memories will make you feel relieved, happier and less likely to seek medical or mental health care in the future.
What is the secret to emotional writing? Not in paper and pencil, of course J
- It reveals the secrets! You tell your pain, you write it out, you relieve yourself of stress.  Painful secrets come with a heavy burden.
- You can let go of the trauma you have suffered, gain better insight and understanding of whys.
- You will then find it easier to let go of past events, able to see yourself not as a victim but as an active participant. Your awareness and objectivity will develop.
- As a result of writing, you will also experience beneficial biological changes in your body. Remember, writing is a brain activity and has an effect on the physical body. It strengthens your immune system and makes you more resistant to disease.
What if you were never a good writer? Could you never write three coherent sentences? Did you barely survive your maturity examination? You too can take the plunge! Writing emotionally is not about style or composition. All it takes is a little determination and honestyJ You've got nothing to lose, and you can even tear it up without showing it to anyone.
Experiment with writing!


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