Szólamok a szívkamrából 2023 kezdőlap

On first reading, the stories of Edina Kiss appear to be light portrayals of simple, everyday lives and issues. Yet at their core there is often a twist to throw the reader off balance, putting the texts in a different metaphorical light. The stories of Edina Kiss encapsulate something essential of the human experience, each of them an occasion to contemplate our most basic psychological imprints. Our hearts are home to many harmonies; those that harm us and those that empower and reinvigorate us.

These stories deal with important themes like self-love, facing our traumas, grief and loss, relationship crises, dealing with isolation, establishing inner order and integrity. They may be considered therapeutic stories, whose characters encounter various arts (writing, dance, music, architecture) and profound locations (nature trails, scenes of their family past, or places reminiscent of good times) in order to heal and to find their true selves, and also build connection with each other.

Fotó: Szabolcs Csortos

Reading Edina Kiss, we might find ourselves better attuned to “those flashes of natural catharsis, when we feel truly alive”, when “we fly free from the gravity of time’s turning wheel, and tumble into our own inner space so far little known to us, our attention ever diverted by the outward tug of life” (Az én dalom). Szólamok a szívkamrából is a reminder that the healing power of books can teach us entirely different rhythms for focusing inward and outward. Like an enlightening dream or a major turning point, it helps us see what really matters, and guides us towards a more authentic way of life.

Dr. Judit Béres
personal book therapist and counselor, teacher, researcher




Könyvbemutatóval egybekötött dedikálás

Olvasmányok őszre - Irvin D.Yalom kötetei

Az olajfa (novella-részlet)

Mese az egyezségről (részlet)

Jaguár-erő (részlet)


Párkapcsolati grafológia

A vers, mint mantra

Transzgenerációs szemlélet

Férfi vagy nő írta-e?

A kívánság interjú interjú

Ezüst csillogás

Adventi hangolódás irodalomterápiával

Gyógyító írás a gyakorlatban

Kosztolányi: Édes Anna kiállítás

Az ösvény (novella-részlet)

Vakon hinni

Hazugságjegyek a kézírásban 2. rész

Hazugságjegyek a kézírásban 1. rész

A Csigaház igazi kincseket rejt



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