Cassiopeia kezdőlap

According to mythology, Queen Cassiopeia boasted being more beautiful even than the nymphs. This angered the sea-god Poseidon, whose wife was a Nereid, a sea-nymph. In retribution he demanded that Queen Cassiopeia and her husband have their daughter Andromeda bound to a seaside rock; he then dispatched a sea monster to destroy her. Fortunately, the hero Perseus was flying by on his steed Pegasus, and rescued the princess. But the Gods had their revenge on Queen Cassiopeia for her vanity: they tied her and hung her into the heavens upside-down off the North Star. Ever since, she can be observed chained to her thone up there with five bright stars, illuminating the night sky.
This is the original tale of the Cassiopeia constellation.
My husband has a different version. According to him, I am Queen Cassiopeia, and have spent millennia tied up in the middle of space, until finally that September house party came along back in ninety-two, when he heard my calls for help and flew promptly to my aid. An enchanting dance and a long kiss broke the curse, and I was freed from my chains.
This story is recited every year in August, when we go watching stars beside Lake Balaton. Péter always had a way of talking about constellations that made me enduringly jealous of all and any that he cared to mention by name. Our kids believed in these stories the same way they believed in Santa, and it was many years before the truth came to light, and they realized this was in fact a family myth.
Our family myth.
translated by Dani Dányi


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